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Last updated on 2 years ago
This season's AGM will be held in Juniors at 8pm on Wednesday 15th June

All league members are encouraged to come along so we can
1. Vote in next year's committee
2. Look at rule changes for next season
3. Discuss what worked well and not so well so we can improve again next year
4. Discuss how to grow the league further
5. Start looking at more social events again.

Please remember, every league member turning up will get a vote on any issues, changes etc. So this is YOUR chance to decide how the league is best run.
Reminder that the AGM is Wednesday night at 8pm in Juniors.

Agenda to include

Season review
Election of committee
Rules/ constitution amendments for 2022/ 23
Next season growth, events & ideas
Committee's expectations of teams.
Is Any update on minutes if possible

Thanks I'm advance
Should be ready to pop up shortly.
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